Mercy's Chili Powder Blend

The Brother and I have never been fans of commercial chili powders.  I find them too harsh.  

I had seen Alton Brown of Food Network and America's test kitchens Chris Kimball  make their own blends of chilies and spices. If they can do it so can I!  So I did. 

I ordered the spices I needed online.(Thanks My Spice Sage!) I mixed and blended like a mad scientist until I had something I liked really well.

Now for the REAL test. . .The Brother.  I stirred some into some shredded chicken breast and warmed it just a little.  

"Now that is how I want my chili to taste!"  Yippee!  Hooray!! Yea!!  Charles is always my ultimate taster.  Lets face it he will be the one eating it the most!

Mercy's Chili blend

1/4 cup ground dried red bell peppers
1 tsp ancho chili ground
1 tsp guajillo chilli ground
2 tsp cumin ground

Measure into an air tight water tight container and shake to combine. 

Because the base of the mixture is the sweet red bell pepper the harshnes of the ancho is reduced.  Ancho is the big harsh flavor of commercial powders.  you can use more or less to your tastes. 


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