On line hack for tomatoes

Late last year I was checking out some gardening hacks.  I found a hack for growing tomatoes.  From seed.  But not as you would think.

The video of the hack showed a man cutting a slice out of the middle of his favorite type of tomato.  Them in a pot filled with soil, he planted the whole slice.  Yep the entire slice.  Supposedly small plants will sprout in the ring of the tomato slice.

Now does that work?  That is the question isn’t it?  The answer. . . .

Yes, yes it does!  Noe if you use a hybrid tomato it might not.  With hybrid any thing the is the possibility that it won’t reproduce itself.  Luckily we used a tomato that reproduces easily.

Both times I did this I had multiple sprouts.  Both times you ask?  Yea. . .being a new tomato mom, I rushed my teeny tiny sprouts into the sunniest window sill I had. Oh dear.

Like all itty bitty living things they need to be, well babied a bit.  Instead I put them in direct sun and they burned up.  So sad.

But life goes on. I tried the second again. This time I babied my babies for a couple weeks. When they had a couple inches on em and had they sprouted a few grown up leaves to help process the direct sunlight. So they can grow.

This time we have achieved pre-teen plants. Wanna see?  Yea? Look here!

These are my pretty tomato plants.  This weekend they start spending the mornings out side. To toughen them up. Next weekend they get transplanted into their own pot ago into the direct sun.

Oh boy! I forgot to tell you. I’m using another hack.  Tomatoes are pretty good bloomers on their own. You will not believe blooms they produce if you use this next hack.

Bloomer food. I like violet food.  You know it’s bloomer food.  I like the miracle grow products.  They make a good violet food.


Aunt Mercy said…
Mercy here! Just an update. My tomato hack has grown up and is blooming. You know what that means?!? Tomatoes in our future.,

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