The disaster that is Australia

As I researched this post I ran across a statement attributed NPR, that about 480 million animals may have died in this conflagration. My broken memory wants to say that when the injured and displaced animals were added into the amount of dead animals in Australia.  That number lept  to 1.5 billion.

While I read on the only relief I found  was that the Irwin Family’s Australia Zoo was safe. . . at this time. Along with of rejoicing in the safety of their zoo, Safety of their animals and employees, this family of wildlife warriors has come to the assistance of over 90,000,000animals.

The hospitals at the zoo itself as well the wildlife rescue centers owned and operated by the family, have also reached out to other wildlife centers and zoos.  Some not nearly as safe as their own places.

Again reading about this nearly continent wide tragedy I saw people, dedicated people, evacuating animals in trucks, cars and SUVs. Heck! In their arms!

Another stat attached to this horrific event that struck me is that the smoke generated by these wildfires has almost encircled the earth. That’s freaking me out a little. How would that even work?

The horror marches on. The wildfires have taken 28 lives. Human lives. As of this posting 10 of those lost were fire fighters. Some of them volunteers.

Some people would say if these things upset me so much stop watching it on TV.  Stop reading about it online.  Most of all quit writing about it.  I respond...I can’t. Not just the fires either.

All who read my blog have figured out that I am in a wheel chair a lot. Also I don’t drive at this time.  Am confined too my one block apartment neighborhood. On an extra good day I’ll venture out a half mile to the convince store.

That means my electronics are my only incoming information. My outgoing information too. I don’t want to be completely uninformed.  So I’m sharing what I’ve read with y’all.

Will talk to you again soon.  Hope it more hopeful this time!  Aunt Mercy Out!


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