A dog box

Many years ago, at least 50 years, I met an older woman that absolutely adored her yorkies. She had 3. As Millie aged her own mobility kept her from walking the babies like they needed. Millies son, the engineer, surprised her with a 'dog box'.
Much like a cat box it provided her yorkies a place to do their business inside the house. I dont know if all are built like the one my friends son, the engineer, built or not. He built it so it would filter the 'water' left by the puppies. You will have to pooper scoop, but you can use toilet paper and just flush it. A small kiddie pool with layers of gravel, sand, activated charcoal and top soil. Its usually topped with sod and plants. Thankfully kiddie and puppy pools come in all sizes. It can be made to fit the size of the dog or the room. The engineer may have over engineered his version. His mom policed it nicely because there was never a smell. I think I will do this if I ever have another little dog. Aunt Mercy out!!!


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