Hey y'all!

I've been in nurse mode for several days. My oldest brother came down with c19 two weeks ago. Today he's been in and has checked negative for the second time. 

Yee haw! Until then I was just taking care of me and Mom while my brother worked. I've been cooking for every body. 

Used all the smoked meat in the fridge. Chicken salad. Chilled curry carrot soup. Chicken breast and bacon on whole grain bread. Green eggs and bacon. Practiced my fruit muffin recipes. Getting better.

I moved painting stuff into the kitchen. So I might work with mom. In the day I paint and watch vet shows with Mom. It slows my painting down. but we love it. 

Happy brother is better. I know he is happy it didn't take forever. 

My painting is falling behind. Check it out! Can you see what it is yet?

Aunt Mercy out!


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