
Little Trixie lost her fight yesterday.  We are all so sad.

We are all dealing the best we can.  However my eyes keep leaking.

Bye bye Trixie Doodle!

Aunt Mercy misses you!

Aunt Mercy out



Jobabs said…
So sorry to hear about Trixie. I know how hard it is to lose a much loved pet having lost 3 in the spring of 2019 and the last one in August. Know I feel your loss and hope you will find comfort in knowing she was much loved and cared for and gave it back in return. Hugs and sympathy, Babs
Judy Judy Judy said…
Miss Mercy - so sorry you and Charles have lost Trixie. Yes, leaky eyes are impossible to prevent for a while. My sympathies to you both. Is your Mom still with you and Charles? Would love to talk with her - number where I can reach her?
Judy Judy Judy :)

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