Update on fur babies

Fur babies Trixie and Lady. 

Both of our sweet girlies are aging.  Trixie is not dealing as well as Lady. 

Lady has the first stages of kidney failure. Its not slowing her down. . . Yet.

Trixie has pancreatitis and leukemia.  She has the look of a very sick dog.  Trixies most immediate problem is her sister. Lady.

Sudenly Trixie was losing lots of weight. Almost overnight she was skeletal.   

Because there was never any leftover kibble we assumed she was eating twice a day. Then we noticed that our other dog, Lady, was getting fat.  Uh oh!

Watching both the girlies eat it soon became apparent something was amiss.

Lady was eating ALL the food. Trixie was literally starving.  

Soon Trixie could barely support her own frame.  Once we figured out what was going on all of us were instantly contrite.

We are all monitoring the food consumed by each baby. In the last few months Trixies strength has crept slowly up.  

Last night Trixe was snuggled up to me getting her ears scratched. Being the jealous bug she is Lady decided that was unacceptable.  

As Lady was trying to squish in between us Trixie found her voice.

A toothy snarl paired with a viscious growl from Trixie sent Lady jumping for the other end of my bed.  Lol

The worm has turned! Ha ha ha! For the first time in months Trixie jumped up on the bed unassisted. 

So proud of our Queen Trixie. She is getting that sassy little wiggle back in her walk.  She jumped off the bed before I could help. 

Now for Lady.  Charles takes her on an extended walk every morning. We have restricted her intake. I have to add a second or maybe a third long walk to her days. 

The extra weight is not good for her. Happily she loves a good long walk. And will walk as long as you will.

Now we have hope that our fur babies will be with us a couple more years.

Aunt Mercy and the girlies out.


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