
Y’all know I dream my cravings.  I have been dreaming pancakes for MONTHS! I was on my own and I decided to make my pancake recipe.

My recipe differs  from others in two ways.  One change I made and one thing I learned. 

Instead of all purpose I use cake flour. It’s lighter and fluffier than traditional pancakes.

Secondly I MUST get all the pancakes on the pan as quickly as possible.  Once the buttermilk and baking soda mix the chemical rise is dissipating.  You only have a minute or two get your batter on the heat. 

Lots of vanilla in the batter helps too. The aroma wafts through the house and lingers there. Yummmster!

Leftovers for the freezer too! 

Aunt Mercy out . . . To the kitchen .  Sneak a pancake as it cools!


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