Energy loss

Because of a small lung issue my energy depletes at a much faster rate these days.  Last night Charles made great wings for dinner.  I scarfed them.

But my breathing and my legs had been giving me problems all day, so opted clean the kitchen today.   When I woke my legs were still in bad shape.  I took me a while to get to a place where I get started with my day.

As I started to the kitchen I found a spotless room.  The dishes, the counters and the appliances all clean. Everything was so clean it was shining.

That’s not all he has done recently. He came home with bags and bags of fresh fruit.  He diced them and froze them.  He noticed I had become addicted to McDonalds smoothies.  So he set me with enough fruit to have any smoothies my heart desires!

I should have a photos of the strawberry smoothies I made for us this morning. . . But they didn’t last long enough.  


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