William Shatner was hiding from me!

 Now all you Star Trek fans have patience with me please.  I'm in the middle of a chemo brain episode.

The name of the actor that plays Captain James T. Kirk eludes me. I may be, technically, elderly. Only technically mind you.

Even so I can efficiently use and understand google.  A simple google search would result in the name I'm trying to remember. I know, I know! But i want my memory to kick in.

This attitude may be a touch stubborn.  Even hard headed. But i want my brain to dig deep and pull it up. 

The irritating thing is I even remember the characters middle name. Tiberius.  James Tiberius Kirk! This is making my head hurt!

I was sure writing this post would jog my memory.

Just last night I saw him in a film about the trials of Nuremberg. On screen with Spencer Tracy as they hunt for nazi's but still his name eludes me. 

  Wait. Wait.  Ahh there it is. William Shatner! Several days later and at 2:AM there it is! 

Sorry Mr Shatner!


Aunt Mercy out!


Jobabs said…
When I forget a name I start slowly saying the letters of the alphabet and voila 9 times out of 10 when I get to the letter of the persons name I remember it...this coming from one older gal to another....lol.
Aunt Mercy said…
Are u 'technically' elderly too! I hate wnen that happens. Hee.hee.

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