Scarlet has arrived

 Its been several months since I qualified for a new power chair.  Today it arrived. FINALLY!

Ain't she pretty!  Much smaller than my previous wheels.  That way too large, sometimes uncontrolable chair I called 'Tank'.  That big ole boy is a brute.

Unfortunately the walls in this apartment show the battle scars. Thankfully this new one is much smaller.  It reflects my weight loss.

This smaller more dainty chair needed a name too.  I narrowed the choices to two.  Garnet and Scarlett.  

Any guesses which one I chose? 😁  Yep. This south Georgia woman couldn't resist.  Scarlett it is!

One of the unusual adaptations on this ride is pictures for control identification.

A tortoise for slower and a hare for faster.  I kid you not. See!


AuntMercy Out!


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