Our queen

Our reigning monarch, Queen Trixie, is turning 11 this spring.  In dog years she is 77.

Our old girl looks much younger than her years.  She is active and healthy.

Recently her royal highness has decided to prepare for the time when things get a little less active.  She is training me in the proper transportation of royalty.

In the cold and rain QT, Queen Trixie, often rides in my lap. Tucked in my coat and my arm she rides safely.  On nice days she walks happily sniffing every inch of the green way.  This spring that has changed.

These days she does her business and sits directly in my path of travel. Refusing to move unless I try to go around her. Then she moves once more in my way.

Now I am not the brightest bulb in the pack but I am trainable. After almost driving Tank over top of QT a half a dozen times I realized what was expected of me.

Now she rides tucked in the crook of my arm. Surveying her kingdom from aloft.  Ahhhhhhh!  To be royal!


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