Dollar Tree tv dinner upgrade

I promiced a friend I would let everyone know how the seafood eggrolls from Dollar Tree turned out. There is an old sauce recipe for eggrolls I used to make on Fridays. Horror of horror my recipe is gone! How did that happen?!?! Well...this is 2023, its on a recipe site. Somewhere online there is a recipe. Right? Finally on (jk) I found the right recipe. I waded through bunches of recipes that were basically thickened pineapple juice and red food dye. They even suggest you use food dye. I just couldn't do that.
Two hours later I found the recipe I wanted. It still had a little pineapple. But there were sweet onions, fresh ginger and minced red bell pepper. It's still sweet and thick. sweet and sour sauce. 8oz pinapple juice, 1 or 2 T of white wine vinegar, to taste. 1/2 c minced sweet onion, 2T minced ginger root pealed and grated, 3 large minced garlic cloves, 1 red bell pepper minced finely, 1T soy sauce, 2T ketchup (optional), red food dye(optional) veggie oil for cooking 1T sweetener or sugar 1T corn starch dissolved in 3T of water. saute veggies until tender. add soy sauce. Add ketchup & sugar if using. When everything softens add pinapple juice and vinegar. bring to a boil. use the corn starch slurry thicken to your liking. this sauce is good warm or chilled. Back in the day when everyone was home on Friday eggroll night I would have to triple this recipe. I was so stupid i once made homemade eggrolls for the group. Ugh! every eggroll night that was my job.
This is much faster. I thaw them in the microwave then crisp them up in the air fryer. these are real good. Thankfully, for this little experiment, I'm not making eggrolls ¹from scratch. I was so surprised the frozen section qof Dollar Tree has shrimp eggrolls and lobster eggrolls. Even these are great with this sauce. Yummster! Aunt Mercy PS: my sauce is pale in color. I only had a small portion of red pepper. I made up the balance with yellow pepper.


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