What a day to be cooking

Breakfast this morning blueberry biscuits.  It’s just my favorite biscuit dough wth the addition of ground nutmeg and frozen blueberries!

Tender and moist and very flavorful.  If I do say so myself! Hee, hee, hee!

When breakfast has settled into a warm comforting glow, Charles begins thinking of the evening meal.  

Later I heard the sound of the grill being lit. I know he had been marinating chicken wings.  So I was anxious for his  famous hot wings. My best flavor with wings is shell and cheese.

I made the pasta and Charles smoked the wings. Both in our happy places!

So good! Love this!  With the shells and cheese accompanying the wings it hard not to eat too much!

Macaroni and cheese in any format is my go to food in all circumstances. I may have teased an enthusiastic child or two.  It does look like baby squid, right?

Bad Mercy! Bad, bad Mercy


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