Side eye dog

Recently I have had to banish the girlie dogs from my room at night.  Yea. . . They aren’t happy with me!

New meds have made me a much heavier sleeper.  Lady would be ok, she sleeps at my feet. There’s little chance of hurting her in my sleep there. Trixie is another matter.

Our little queen is a strange sleeper.  I sleep on my side. Trixie sleeps with all four legs pushed under me.  Just as far as she can get them.. Whenever I’m that medicated I’m terrified that I may move the wrong way.  I could break all her legs! No bueno!

Queen Trixie is also a very jealous monarch.  If I kick her out and not Lady well . . . The phrase ‘off with her head’ comes to mind.

Now that’s a side eye! Not quite a threat but a definite warning!

Aunt mercy out!


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