Speaking of. . .

Basil Italian and buttermilk white

During my last hospital visit I learned something.  I asking about the change in my digesting of certain foods.

I try to keep homemade loaves of bread in the freezer.  I use it as my primary carbohydrate stash. Over the last few months, if I was unable to bake for one reason or another, I used my favorite commercial breads.  A country white by Arnold’s.  It passed through me so fast I was hungry again inside 30 minutes.

I try always to make my sammies stuffed with protein and veggies.  The same sammie made with my bread satisfies me completely.  Why?

That’s what I was asking the doc.  He said my body had adjusted to the new quality of my breads.  It probably has always been speeding through me, but now the comparison to my breads it’s more noticeable.

Said the quality of my home made breads seems  to be enough to make a difference.  Who knew?

Dill rye loaves and olive oil Italian loaves


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