An old camera reboot!
Many many moons ago, 2000 or so, I bought one of the early digital cameras. Hd, 5X zoom and the capability to share electronically. Kodak was on point.
Tiny but mighty. It takes nice pics. I’m no pro though. Lady doesn’t mind posing for me. Trixie however hates it. So I always have more Lady portraits than Trixie.
Back when I got this camera I was a PC kind of girl. In the last several years I thave gone iPad. I have searched without much luck for a converter. This week that changed.
An adapter for my iPad and my sd reader. Yee Haw! It downloads and emails easily.
The camera pros in our family are my brother, my dad and my brother-in-law. I just dabble. Mostly dog and dinner photos. And it works great for that!