Trixe shivers
Both our dogs are furry little critters. Trixie however is much less furry than Lady. As a result the cooler mornings we have had in central North Carolina have had our girl shivering.
As you may remember I made the girls coats last winter. So I broke out Trixie's this morning. She practically JUMPED into it.
She went out happily and did what needed doing. When she came in I went to take off her coat, but she wasn't having any of that!
She disappeared down the hall. I finally located her on the dog bed under her favorite chair. As you can see Trixie was backed up against the wall where I couldn't reach her. Sneaky girl!
She came out in about 45 minutes. Warm and toasty. I guess this means she may need a heavier coat when it really gets cold!