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It was so sweet

I had ANOTHER doctors appointment this week. I was feeling awful but I released my curls to frame my face. Put on some lashes and brows.  The gloss topped it off. Maybe I looked a little better than I felt. I hope... Checking my look before I left. Ugh!!  They took me right in. A very nice young man who was  working his first nurcing job noticed I had spruced up a little. 'Wow, ur all dressed up! Are u meeting a guy?'  I said 'nope no guy'.  He made me laugh with his next remark. He said...'WHAT!?!? NO GUY?!? That's a shame!'.  Lol!!   That sweet young  man put a genuine smile on my dreary face.  Don't u love his bedside manner? Ha ha ha! Aunt Mercy out! 

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